Home » Printed Designs » Kilograms to Pounds Conversion Chart - Weightlifting - Printed Wall Decals

Kilograms to Pounds Conversion Chart - Weightlifting - Printed Wall Decals

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Color Chart

We have over 80 colors to choose from, and if you need a specific color, we offer color matching services.

Need a Customization?

Our experienced and talented staff of designers and decal experts are here to help you with any questions or customizations you might need.

Installation is Easy!

Our step by step installation instructions are so easy to understand, anyone can install decals!


Looking for a solution easier than a calculator for those weight conversions? Our KGs to LBs conversion chart is a self adhesive poster that's ideal for your weight room. Ideal for powerlifters, olympic lifting, or even a great accessory to your local CrossFit gym! It even comes laminated for extra protection.
  • Our Printed Decals are easy to apply and are ideal for any smooth and flat surface! If your walls have any texture, please let us know and we will make this decal with a stronger adhesive material.
  • 24" wide by 36" high.
Other Info:
  • Size adjustments and logo placement available. You can even add your own Custom Logo! Additional fees may apply, contact us for details!
  • This kilogram to pound conversion chart will come laminated for extra durability.
  • Practice decals are included with every order.


  • The product was exactly as advertised and works amazingly well, even on my slightly rougher than usual wall. Even more impressive was the little extra bonus decals I received which really is the kind of service you never expect to receive from an online store. I've had numerous compliments and have referred all of these people to your site. Thanks again!


    Added Sep 25, 2008

  • I just wanted to thank you at Dali Decals for exceptional service for such a small order. My special order was really small, but your team treated me like it was huge. The workmanship was outstanding! Coordinating the final product required patience and Dali delivered. Even straightening out my bill, which was my fault, was pleasurable. Thank for an overall great experience! Ralph

    Ralph J

    Added Sep 6, 2010

  • These decals are the coolest design find that I have seen in a long time. They are totally worth their money. Actually they were less expensive than buying a wall hanging with a WAY bigger impact on the look. I bought the dandelion and the installation was easy with very little problems. The only problems we had with the install was the points on the dandelion head did not want to stick at first but we just carefully pulled the tip off of the backing and pressed it to the wall. It worked out great. It really looks as though an artist came in and painted your walls. I most certainly have DDOD (Dali Decal Obsessive Disorder.) I will definitely be back for more and all of my friends want a Dali Decals too!


    Added Aug 5, 2011

  • We used the Modern Mosaics to update my mom's kitchen. It's statement says clean, crisp and thoroughly new! It was shipped in a large tube, no folds or creases. The quality is a heavy duty decal which will be able to stand up to any kitchen for many years. Way to go Dali Decals, we'll be return customers.


    Added Jan 12, 2013

  • My husband bought me a wall decal for our newly renovated kitchen and I love it. I had searched for at least 6 months and through many, many pictures of wall decals and other items for my walls and this was the perfect one and it looks absolutely fabulous on the wall I had picked out for it. The color is perfect as is the size and I couldn't be happier.


    Added Aug 9, 2013
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