Hello, I just wanted to pass along a sincere "thank you" for your website. As a budding web designer, I found your site to be extremely easy to navigate, full of helpful information, and most importantly, quick to load! Every click of my mouse was instantly rewarded with colorful images, easy-to-find menus, lots of great links, and did I mention FAST! I'm going to bookmark this site to revisit over and over. Thanks for making a user-friendly site (and a great product to sell on it!). I'm planning to make a purchase and can't wait to see your check out process in action. Keep up the great work!
Laura T
Added Sep 2, 2011 -
Amazing! I bought the "cute birds" decal and I was amazed when I got double the amount I ordered since they send you extras! Very pleased.
Added Jun 12, 2012 -
I ordered the Hidden Corner Branch with Falling Leaves and I couldn\'t be happier. It was not difficult at all. The overall appearance is absolutely beautiful. It really livened up my entryway. Before placing my order, I contacted them with a question and they supplied me with the information that I needed in order to continue with my purchase. Thank you Dali Decals!
Added Apr 1, 2013 -
I am in LOVE with my new Dali Decals kitchen backsplash! Modern Mozaics are better than I ever dreamed. Wish I could upload a photo on your site. Looks incredible with our granite counters and pecan cabinets!
Linda Beck
Added Dec 22, 2013 -
Just wanted to thank you for the wonderfully made decal! Will definitely reach out to your company again in the future.
Cheng G
(Harvard )
Added Jul 21, 2015