Customer Testimonials

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  • My decal arrived today and I had it up on the wall in a few hours. The whole family is very impressed! We all love it! I can't stop looking at the wall! I am now browsing your website to see what else we can buy.


    Added Sep 19, 2011

  • I purchased the Fancy and Elegant Monogram Personalized for my son's room. It turned out GREAT!!! Everyone thinks that his name is painted on the wall. It was not a challenge to put on at all. I have also been told that the decal makes his room look as if it belongs in a magazine. I love Dali decals!! Thank you so much! ** My walls are textured a little and this did not cause a problem applying the decal** I am moving and I plan to purchase another decal just like it because I love the one I have so much...


    Added Sep 18, 2011

  • I just received and put up my decal, which was a Thoreau quote, some words in cursive, some were block letters. I am so pleased with the great quality, size and color of my decal. It truly is better than I had imagined.
    My only warning is that since the words on the quotes have a thin surface, be prepared to get to work putting it up, especially if it's a long quote. I would suggest having someone help you - I did it on my own and was really nervous about ruining it. Luckily I didn't, though, and it looks absolutely amazing!!
    Thanks Dali Decals, I would recommend this site to anyone ...


    Added Sep 13, 2011

  • Just put my decal up over our bed today. (Two Birdies in a Tree) Love it! Can't wait to put up the ones I got for my daughter's room. Instructions were great - the pictures were absolutely fantastic to have. Came out perfectly, got the hang of it pretty quickly. I'll be doing lots of decorating with these. Thanks!


    Added Sep 13, 2011

  • I got the cherry blossom branch. Beautiful quality. I love it!

    Lesia Many

    Added Sep 6, 2011

  • Hello, I just wanted to pass along a sincere "thank you" for your website. As a budding web designer, I found your site to be extremely easy to navigate, full of helpful information, and most importantly, quick to load! Every click of my mouse was instantly rewarded with colorful images, easy-to-find menus, lots of great links, and did I mention FAST! I'm going to bookmark this site to revisit over and over. Thanks for making a user-friendly site (and a great product to sell on it!). I'm planning to make a purchase and can't wait to see your check out process in action. Keep up the great work!

    Laura T

    Added Sep 2, 2011

  • Just have to say that I LOVE your decals! I also wanted to say "thanks", as I think I received an extra decal in an order that I placed for my mom. I ordered her the paisley flowers and swirls, and got an owl with it. Ended up being a great addition to the kitchen, as he sits above one of the door frames, peeking out from a shelving unit =)

    Thanks for awesome decals and even "awesomer" service!!!


    Added Aug 30, 2011

  • Fabulous decals. I ordered a set of big daisies off the site and a custom order of smaller daisies to match the big ones. It was perfect!! Vibrant colors, and super easy to install. My wall looks fantastic. Thank you so much!!


    Added Aug 30, 2011

  • I ordered three sets of decals. They arrive very quickly. They were extremely easy to put up and ended up looking great in my house! I look forward to ordering more from you guys in the future!

    Michael Carrillo

    Added Aug 23, 2011

  • Thank you so much for the wonderful tree. It looks great in the nursery. I hope that the baby loves it as much as I do!


    Added Aug 18, 2011

  • Hi,

    Thank you so much for the decals! My logo looks awesome! We did not have any problems putting the decals on the wall, and all of my patients really love them! Thanks so much!

    Mirvana Acupuncture

    Mirvana Acupuncture
    (Mirvana Acupuncture)

    Added Aug 16, 2011

  • We bought decals for our twins' bedroom. We purchased a lighthouse and stars with each twin's name. We are absolutely MORE than pleased with how they have turned out! Thank you so much for your work!!

    Sarah F.

    Added Aug 11, 2011
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