Gorgeous designs, great service - I just need to get some more walls now so I can get some more decals!
Added Sep 3, 2008 -
I love it! Was so easy to install I did it in less than five minutes with my five year olds help. Now I'm trying to find more places to put other decals.
Added Jul 28, 2008 -
I haven't received my orders yet but I have to comment on the EXCELLENT customer service that I have received thus far. Both of my orders had to be customized and my rep was very patient and responded to my questions and suggestions with professionalism, knowledge and patience. I am so excited to have found this company! I will definitely be recommending them to others!
Added Nov 11, 2008 -
Wow! I just added a monogram to my daughter's bedroom wall. It completes the room perfectly. I would use a decal again in a heartbeat. This was my first use of one, and I am so impressed at how it fills a wall and a room.
Added Oct 16, 2009 -
I'm a new happy customer. I found out about Dali Decals by reading about a local promotion. Even though I missed out on the promotional offer, I was really impressed with all the customer pics and reviews. I was at a loss on what to get my boss who is expecting her first child and when I saw the Elegant & Swirly Framed Monogram I had to get it for her. When I gave it to my boss this week she just fell in love with it. It's going to go perfect in baby Abby's room!
Crystal J
Added Oct 15, 2011